Monday, November 7, 2022

תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם


What do we mean by תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם?

DH: What do we mean by תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם?

Rabbi Soloveitchik: It is not that this mitzvah is equal to all the mitzvos, but rather that it brings the person to do all the other mitzvos. The whole purpose of the limud is that it comes to asiah and asiah is the ikur.

The Rav Thinking Aloud, p. 69

And From There You Shall Seek, p. 104

Bottom line: Hashem acts, so we must act. 

Why is learning Torah so important that we say תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם, that it’s equal to all other mitzvos?

Rabbi Avigdor Miller:

Torah is considered one of the most important of mitzvos because it makes you. It changes you.

Now, a mitzvah also makes you.  למען תזכרו ועשיתם את כל מצוותי והייתם קדושים – You do mitzvos and you become holy. Every mitzvah makes you kodosh.  But the mitzvah of talmud Torah changes your mind.  And when your mind is changed, that’s the greatest kedusha of all.  And therefore, תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם.  

When you think like Hakodosh Boruch Hu thinks, that’s the greatest perfection of a person; it’s the most tremendous change you can make in yourself. And when you’re learning Torah, you’re learning the thoughts of Hashem. That’s how Hashem thinks and He wants you to think that way.  

And therefore, learning Torah means you put into your mind the machshavos of the Borei Olam and that’s the greatest of all achievements.  Even when you’re learning Bava Kamma, arba avos nezikin, Hakodosh Boruch Hu is thinking how important it is that every Jew should avoid damaging somebody else’s property and you’re thinking in those details of Hashem’s thoughts.

You’re thinking about how you have to be careful when you go into a synagogue; you want to open the window? Don’t push against the windowpane.  You might push it out and break the pane.  You’re a mazik.  You have to pay for it.  Hakodosh Boruch Hu doesn’t want you to be a mazik.  And you learn that idea not to be a mazik to your fellowman’s property!  How big an ideal that is! You’re thinking like Hakodosh Boruch Hu thinks.  And that’s why תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם; because you’re changing your mind into a mind that thinks like Hakodosh Boruch Hu.

TAPE # E-1 (February 1995)

What does it mean to learn Torah lishmah?

To learn Torah lishmah first means, like everybody knows, that you’re motivated because you want to know, “What does Hashem request of me? What does he desire of me?” That’s number one.  

But it doesn’t mean that you should merely have a good intention. You have to put in the labor because to understand what Hashem wants of you you must have a certain achievement of the intellect.  It’s never easy to know מה ה’ אלוקיך שואל מעמך.  Don’t think it’s easy to know.

That’s why when the ger came to Shamai and said, “Teach me on one foot how to become a Jew,” Shammai said, “Get out of here! On one foot you want to learn the Torah?!” 

And even when he came to Hillel and Hillel said, “Come, I’ll tell you,” Hillel didn’t really tell him.  He only said, “You have to know that if you’ll study the rule I’m giving you, that’ll be the foundation. I’m giving you a rule: ‘What you don’t want others to do to you, don’t do to others.’ Now, that’s the rule,” Hillel said, “and the rest is an explanation. ואידך פירושא – study the rule because it needs explanation; so go learn.”

So Torah lishmah requires effort.  And the more effort you put in, the more it’s lishmah.  Don’t make any mistake about it.  Lishmah doesn’t mean you learn superficially.  It has to be with the motivation to do the will of Hashem, but it must be with yegiah, with effort to learn Torah.  And every Jew who puts in effort will succeed in gaining the will of Hashem more.  Hashem’s ratzon, His favor, is upon those who seek His will; those who seek to know His will.

TAPE # 900


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